If you have sustained a serious injury in a car crash, animal attack or slip-and-fall accident, you may be in a great deal of pain. You may also be struggling to pay medical bills and everyday expenses. Finding a personal attorney who can help you pursue financial compensation for your injuries from the person who caused them may be high on your to-do-list.
Not every attorney is a good match for every client. When hiring legal counsel, you should look for a lawyer who understands both the law and your injuries. Your attorney should also advocate for your legal interests. Here are three questions you should ask any personal injury attorney you are considering retaining.
Because every injury case is different, your lawyer should not promise you success. Still, he or she should review the facts of your case and give you an honest opinion. This may require earnestly explaining both the strengths and weaknesses of your matter.
Personal injury matters usually may take some time to resolve. Nevertheless, your attorney should not be hard to reach. At a minimum, your lawyer should be available to answer your questions, explain your options and provide regular updates.
Your personal injury attorney probably works on a contingency basis. This means your lawyer does not bill you for legal services unless he or she recovers financial compensation on your behalf. You still may be responsible for ancillary expenses, such as filing fees or investigative costs.
You do not want to be surprised when your legal bill arrives. By understanding the fee agreement before retaining a personal injury attorney, you know precisely what to expect.
Fill out the attached form to schedule a free consultation of your case.
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